

Some items are excluded from our returns policy. You can read about them in the description of the product.

If your item isn’t on our exclusions list, we’ll give you a refund or exchange. You just need to make sure that you return your item within 10 days of buying it, receiving it in the post, or collecting it from your chosen location and you have proof of purchase, such as your receipt, e-receipt, delivery note or your order is on its way or ready to collect email.

We’ll put the money straight back onto the card you paid with and it should show in your account within 3-5 days.

If you’re returning something because you don’t want it (rather than because it’s faulty) we must be able to resell it. That means that it should have its original tags on and shouldn’t be damaged in any way.

If we don’t think the item is in a good enough condition to resell, we’re allowed to say no to giving you a refund or an exchange.

If you don’t have proof of purchase, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

Our policy doesn’t affect any of your normal statutory rights. Those rights cover you for things like faulty items, or items that are different from how we described them. They also let you cancel orders. You can find more information about statutory rights from your local trading standards department or citizens’ advice bureau.

Things that aren’t included in our returns policy

There are certain items that we can’t give you a refund or exchange for unless they’re faulty or different from how we described them. You can check the product page of your item on our website to see whether you can return it.

We also can’t refund or exchange anything that was damaged while someone was handling it on your behalf, for example, somebody from a freight forwarding, storage, or relocation company, or a hotel or B&B. And finally, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange without proof of purchase. (Your proof of purchase can be your receipt, e-receipt, delivery note or your order is on its way or ready to collect email.)

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